It is with immense pleasure that I welcome you to the Shri Shankaracharya Mahavidyalaya, Junwani, Bhilai. Founded on the educational vision of Shri Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Swaroopanand Saraswati ji Maharaj; a great visionary in the field of social reform and culture. Shri Shankacharya College is rooted in rich tradition. Having founded the Shankacharya School in 1994, our efforts ensured that people from all walks of life, had access to higher education.
The College is an educational institution that strives for academic excellence and develops those in our care as integral human beings. Since the inception of the institution in 1997, it has been our constant endeavor to impart quality education and provide holistic development to our students. The college is committed to promote excellence and service through its untiring efforts to grow continuously.
The most valuable asset of our College is the group of our competent and dedicated staff, who enable the students to take on the challenges of a competitive and self-centered world outside. They nurture and nourish each and every individual who step into the campus with utmost care so that a new generation of leaders with moral uprightness can be brought forth. It is my strong belief that given an opportunity, the students of this great temple of learning will prove an asset to the society.
We are here to help you grow into self-disciplined and socially responsible individuals who are capable of imbibing true light and wisdom.
Wish you a successful and fruitful academic year ahead!
Shri Gangajali Education Society, Bhilai